Donate To Idiot String

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Thanks to donors like you and the generous support of our sponsors and charitable organizations, Idiot String creates new plays and offers workshops to schools and the general public. We keep our prices low — when we’re not performing for free — and always aim to surprise, delight, and connect folks to one another.

why support Idiot String? 

Perhaps the Peripatetic Players shows are a highlight of your summer.

Maybe you had a surprising or unique experience at Port Stories or Elixir of Life.

It could be that you want to be sure all families in your neighborhood have access to free plays at their local park.

A few of you might feel that the health of the arts in the Bay Area is dependent on a wide variety of organizations, and notice how a little company like Idiot String plays a vital role in a complex and vibrant arts ecosystem.

Or you believe, like us, that connecting people through joyful shared experience and participatory fun can change the world!

Donations are tax-deductible through our fiscal sponsor, Independent Arts and Media, a San-Francisco-based nonprofit organization whose mission is to steward and empower independent art and media projects that foster community and civic participation, and facilitate cultural engagement and free expression.

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CHEERS! Casey Robbins as Ernest O’Connor and Kristen Matia as Anita with an audience member at Elixir of Life (2017).

Thank You!