Theater Around The Bay: An Interview With Joan Howard and Rebecca Longworth

A behind-behind-the-scenes look at the inspirations for AESOP AMUCK and O BEST BELOVED…

San Francisco Theater Pub

Sam Bertken steps in to guest write and interview Joan Howard and Rebecca Longworth, the producing/directing team behind “Aesop Amuck.”

A few weeks ago, I took some time after a weekend rehearsal to sit down with Rebecca Longworth and Joan Howard, the collaborative force that founded Samuel Peaches’ Peripatetic Players, winners of the 2013 Best of SF Fringe Award for “O Best Beloved,” a devised adaptation of Rudyard Kipling’s Just So Stories. Sprawled cross-legged on the mats at the Main Street Theater in the Excelsior, I got to know more about what drove them to start the company, the source of their passion for children’s theater, and why audience participation might not be something to dread.

SB: What in particular draws you to staging children’s literature, adapting them for the stage?

RL: What draws me to children’s literature… I think, because it’s imaginative and kind of magical without necessarily…

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Introducing… Idiot String!

Hello, world! It’s us, Joan Howard and Rebecca Longworth. After a late night in early March, featuring edits to a Google Doc full of possible names, we’re “Idiot String.” Over a year after creating the Physical Theatre Salon and looking forward to the second iteration of our 2013 SF Fringe show, O Best Beloved… it’s about time to make this collaboration official. We look forward to surprising and delighting you with performances featuring a couple of idiots, and a lot of string (and rope, and pulleys, and hinges, and spinney things, and whirlygigs).

What’s an “idiot string,” you ask? A simple machine, of sorts. Of course.